Lori another profound article this is. Your right grief teaches us what is truly important. Sorry for the long comment below I was just moved to write this today.
When my Grandmother was with me for 21 years. I never knew how much I really loved her. She was just there and my love and her love for me was there. I took love for granted and always thought she would live longer than she had. When she went to the Lords embrace I never felt pain like I did. It was like part of my life was gone. I remember it was so hard I just wanted to go after her. Life was unbearable.
But like you stated above. Grief is a teacher and in time. My Grandmother’s teaching reflected in me and helped me heal. She taught me how to love and how to live life. I cherish the wonderful moments and reflect on the moments I could have been better.
I live each day moving forward knowing that I will see her again. That one thought is helping me move forward. She too fought well against cancer but I believe we all have our time. When our time comes it comes. There is nothing we could have done to have elongated the time with our loved ones. But I find solace knowing she is with the Lord. Just as Keara is always with you. Knowing our loved ones are not truly gone but more like a see you later helps so much.
Lori your words of healing and the journey you are going through helps so many people including myself and for that I truly appreciate and thank you for your honesty and deep words that help us heal and move forward.
I know for a fact Keara is so proud of you right now of how you are sharing your light with the world.
There is a childhood song I absolutely loved singing when I was in Sunday school. It is called “This Little Light of Mine” The Lyrics go This Little Light of Mine I am going to let it Shine. This Little Light of Mine I am going to let it Shine. Repeat one more time and then Let it Shine Let it Shine Let it Shine. The song always gave me hope that there is Light in the darkness always a Light we can hope on. Thank you for your words my friend.