Becca thanks for this article and setting the stage! You will be surprised I remember this "good old days".
I remember we had such a stellar experience from the waiter and waitress we tipped one of them $100! I was shocked of the amount but I remember it was in a seafood restaurant and I think the waiter name was John and he was stellar. He was always there making sure we got top notch experience and was very kind. I was little back then so it was amazing to see such a big tip coming from us. We don't tip, like not that much at least. That was once in a lifetime experience we never tipped like that ever again lol. Well not that I remember that is. My parents will go on their own all the time so this is the only time I remember actually seeing my parents tipping that much for the first and last time.
Sadly, now we seem to tip like it is mandatory. For me personally I never tip cause I don't feel like it. I know it sounds bad and I know there will be some people that are going to dislike me for it but Dab and Dab some more I guess lol.
I kid you not I walked into a pizza place brought one slice and paid exactly $6.50 and nothing more!
But, when I went to the Mexican Restaurant next door I tipped a little tiny bit. Why? Because I was lazy and didn't want to carry coins in my wallet (sadly this is actually the truth) I love you all but sorry I don't tip. Some of us are um... kind of poor so we need to save and save some more. I went through some hard times so I guess that habit still stuck with me. I try to save and save some more still. Don't get me wrong I am not even close to touching high class not even smidge close.
Now, since you brought this up Becca, I have to share you this story cause it is just so ridiculous.
My father and I went to an Korean restaurant one day and we went to this restaurant we go once in a while. They have some really good Chinese cuisine but for some reason that day the service was what do kids these days call it um... Mid yeah Mid. So, we ate our food thank the waitress and left. She came yelling us to stop! We were both shocked and everyone in the restaurant stared at us. We thought we forgot something like a personal belonging. Nope it was a tip. She was upset and telling us that they are living off of tips and we must pay the tip. I don't know if we obliged and gave her a tip or just walked away but one thing I remember is we never went back even to this day.
Crazy right? I wonder have you ever gotten yelled at for not giving tip and humiliated in front of everyone like that? Thanks for this read Becca. 😃