Ah John yes the "IoT" it blows my mind people have these things in the house. I for once don't have any smart speakers and "IoT" devices in my house. No, wait actually I do cause everything is smart these days. My iPad has voice assistance which I religiously turn off but who knows if it is really off.
Hey Siri you off?
Bleep "How may I help you?" dang it
This actually happened during my work. I had it on Korean Siri and I was helping a client and it thought I said something in Korean and asked me in Korean how may I help you and I got a tell you it was very embarrassing.
I tend to not use these devices cause I rather live a life of little minor inconvenience than rather have devices that can "spy" on me.
Surprisingly I have a really comfortable life without "IoT" oh maybe that is why I am still single darn. Lol.
Thanks John for this actually very important and crucial article thank you. 😃